Allergic to condoms? Here we will tell you the basic knowledge of latex allergy and how to deal with it

Indian condoms information online.

What is the contraceptive method you want people to know about condom rubber allergies?

  • Do you have any allergies caused by condoms?

    Answer, yes.

    The mainstream material of condom is made of natural rubber called latex. Allergies caused by condoms will react to this latex of raw materials and allergy will occur.

  • Is there a condom besides latex condoms?

    Answer, Yes

    There are mainly three types of condom materials currently on sale. Latex, polyurethane, polyisoprene condom.

  • Can I use condoms in case of latex allergy?

    Answer, Yes

    If you are allergic to latex you can use condoms. However, it is necessary to select polyurethane condoms and polyisoprene condoms other than latex.

Condoms are the most contraceptive method chosen. And there are various types of condoms, and condom size, some also fit Indian penis size. Condoms are the most frequently contraceptive method in India. Rich in variety, ribbed condoms, flavored condoms, lubricated condoms and other commonly added condom functions are popular. However, it may cause latex allergy if it is used and itching and redness develop. Rubber (latex) If you are allergic you cannot do sex without using a condom every time. There are also risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

It is important to know about allergies, tell partners, and to avoid contraception that will not cause allergic reactions.

Rubber (condom) allergy?

The latex protein contained in this latex becomes an allergen and skin disorder occurs as allergy symptoms. Lean or itching, urticaria, etc. occurs rarely causing severe allergic reactions such as dyspnea and blood pressure lowering consciousness disturbance and anaphylactic shock.


What is latex?

What is latex in the first place? Latex is a natural rubber made from the rubber tree. Used for condoms and besides that latex is used in various things in everyday life. It is also used for rubber balloons and rubber gloves, medical gloves and catheters, pants and socks. Also, a latex condom is mainstream. The condoms you have used are probably made of latex. You can see that latex is a very familiar product.

Cause of latex allergy

Natural rubber products made from rubberwood can be seen everywhere in life. As a result, the body may react excessively. That is an allergy. The human body develops on contact with latex protein contained in latex or inhalation.


  • Touch latex products
  • Allergen comes in contact with the skin, it dissolves by sweat etc.
  • Absorbed into the body from skin, blood, mucosa
  • Onset

If there is a scratch on the skin etc, allergic reactions are likely to occur as a matter of course.


  • The powder contained in rubber gloves and the like, powder produced by friction such as rubber tires scatter into the air
  • It is absorbed through the mouth and nose and taken into the body
  • Onset

Because latex products are full of daily life, there is also the possibility of inhaling without being noticed.

People who are liable to latex allergy

People who are liable to latex allergy

People who have many opportunities to use rubber products

  • Doctors and nurses
  • Patient receiving medical treatment
  • Rubber manufacturer

People with food allergy

People who already have food allergies sometimes react excessively to those similar to the molecular structure of rubber tree components.

Fruits causing cross-reaction with latex allergy

Avocado, banana, chestnut, kiwi fruit, potato, papaya, passion fruit and so on. If you are already allergic to fruits etc. above, you may not be able to recognize your body, may respond to latex protein of similar structure and cause allergies.

Latex allergy is an allergy caused by ingestion. It changes greatly depending on the environment etc.

What is itching when you have sex?

What is itching when you have sex?

If you feel sexy, red, etc for penis or vagina after you have sex. It first thinks about the possibilities of STDs, right? But other than that, this latex allergy. The mainstream of condom is made of latex. That condom that I do not know is probably made of latex. Latex share ratio is high so much, it is used all over the world. Sex can not do without a partner. If either one reacted with latex, do I have to think about contraceptive methods that do not use condoms? As I mentioned at the beginning, the answer is that I only need to use a condom other than latex.

Are there condoms other than latex condoms?

Are there condoms other than latex condoms?

What should you do if you or your partner is latex allergy? What are materials other than latex? You are wondering, are not you? Here we will introduce condoms other than latex.

Material of Polyurethane

Polyurethane is the name of the type of plastic, and when used in condoms has its own formulation. Other ingredients that are also used for clothing and medical catheters, etc. It is very safe. Of course, it is not a rubber material so even people with latex allergy can use it with confidence. Moreover, it has a strength that is 3 times or more than latex, it is thin to be unlikely to break, and has a high thermal conductivity, so you can feel a natural feeling when wearing.

Polyurethane condoms

The first is a polyurethane condom. It is a material that has been increasing in recent years. It is famous because it has no peculiar smell of rubber and it is already popular as a very thin condom. Perhaps you may be using it without knowing it.

The main latex condom is 0.03 mm, but this polyurethane condom is realized to a thickness as low as 0.01 mm. If you have used condoms that are thinner than 0.03 mm, you are already experiencing polyurethane. It is not latex so you can use it without worry of rubber allergy.

Material of Polyisoprene

Polyisoprene is also included as a component used for general condoms. However, since it does not contain latex protein that rubber allergy reacts excessively, it will not cause an allergic reaction. It is not as thin as the thinness that you care about in a condom, but its amazing is its softness. It is this new material which is said to be the newest material at the moment but it is a new material whose weakness has disappeared while having properties like natural rubber.

Polyisoprene condom

The most important part of this condom is softness. It is drawing attention as softness closest to the skin. The polyurethane condoms described earlier are the thinnest but when seen from the softness there is a very solid impression. The polyisoprene condoms made with state-of-the-art technology are so soft that they forget the feeling of wearing.

It is softer than latex so it fits very well to the skin, so it is also recommended for those who use a condom as a friction pain. Of course, it is a material that is popular in recent years because it is rubber allergy free and can be used safely and rubber odour is not included. It also prevents accidents that can be torn because growth is better than latex.

Let's review condoms in case of latex allergy

Let's review condoms in case of latex allergy

Allergies are hard to feel if you do not get too familiar, but if you are still not allergic it has the potential to be secret. Contraceptive methods using condoms are effective even if you get latex allergy. Even if the partner is allergic there is a solution. Paying attention to materials other than latex, purchasing condoms is very important. The variety is not yet rich but it is gradually increasing. I would be pleased if you could refer to your best condom selection.